STOP Project 2025
What is Project 2025? It is an over 900-page roadmap to seize power by expanding presidential power and eliminate all checks, balances and oversight to radically restructure our government and country into an ultra-conservative vision of the United States.
Project 2025 would make the President a King with absolute power.
Project 2025 was published in 2023 by the Heritage Foundation, an ultra-conservative think tank funded by the Koch brothers, with over 140 former Trump staffers as writers. The Heritage Foundation also wrote a “Mandate for Leadership” with Trumps’ first administration completing 64% of it.
“Last night, scientists began to hear cryptic and foreboding warnings from colleagues: Go to the CDC website, and download your data now. They were all telling one another the same thing: Data on the website were about to disappear, or be altered, to comply with the Trump administration’s ongoing attempt to scrub federal agencies of any mention of gender, DEI, and accessibility. “I was up until 2 a.m.,” Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization at the University of Saskatchewan who relies on the CDC’s data to track viral outbreaks, told me. She archived whatever she could.”