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*Bills to Support
Actions You Can Take: Comments & Petitions
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Click to Sign the Petition To Stop West Coast Tomato Growers
Calls, Emails, Letters and Public Comments You Can Make
Please click here for Bills to Support
🌼😊🍀Please click here for actions you can ask your school, university, city, county or state to take. We can help. Please reach out to us at CleanEarth4Kids.org.
🌼😊🍀Please click here to ask the City of Oceanside, CA to take actions to protect our health.
🌼😊🍀Please help us support important Bills to protect public health, clean air and water, healthy soils, pollinators and wildlife, public lands, education, racial, social, climate and environmental justice.
Ban the Sale, Use and Storage of Leaded Fuel Sign-On Letter
Click here to sign on to our letter.
There is no safe level of lead, according to the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Lead is a toxic heavy metal.
Lead is especially toxic to children and fetal development. It damages children's brains and nervous system, lowers IQ scores, slows their growth and development, harms muscle coordination, speech, language and causes behavior problems. And these impacts are lifelong.
Approximately 70% of airborne lead in the U.S. comes from piston-engine aircraft.
These aircraft are the largest remaining source of lead pollution in our air.Click here for more info. Help us #GetTheLeadOut!
Stop Synthetic Turf Sign-On Letter
Click here to sign our letter to protect our kids from toxic chemicals, PFAS, lead and heavy metals found in plastic grass/artificial synthetic turf.
Synthetic turf contains toxic chemicals
Doctors, nurses, health professionals, university professors, and children's health organizations are deeply concerned about the toxic, cancer-causing chemicals, PAHs, benzene, PFAS “forever chemicals,” lead and heavy metals that have been found in the plastic blades of grass, backing, crumb rubber and other infill.Synthetic turf is dangerous to athletes. Synthetic turf fields are full of bacteria and must be regularly cleaned with chemicals. Turf burns from synthetic turf can become infected with bacteria like staph and MRSA which can be life threatening.
An EPA study found MRSA on 70% of fields tested.Synthetic turf increases injuries. According to an NFL Players Association (NFLPA) study, playing and practicing on synthetic turf increases the chance of a lower extremity injury with a 69% higher rate of non-contact foot/ankle injuries compared to grass. The NFLPA and the AFL-CIO have called for all NFL fields to be natural grass.
Click here for more info on the dangers of artificial grass/synthetic turf.
Light Shows- NOT Fireworks at SeaWorld Sign-On Letter
Click here to sign our letter to stop SeaWorld fireworks!
We want clean air and 💧🌊🐬water- NOT pollution & toxic chemicals, PTSD & lost 🐾pets!
Fireworks can put out heavy metals and other pollution into the air which can drift miles and miles.
Click here for more info on the dangers of fireworks.
Petitions You Can Sign
The Trump Administration is gutting one of our nation’s most important environmental laws for the benefit of polluting industries. Our communities will pay the price.
For decades, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) has given people a say in federal projects that directly impact their communities, while requiring the government to analyze and disclose the potential impacts of a project. This means that when the government wants to bulldoze a community to build a highway, greenlight trash incinerators in communities of color, or construct oil and natural gas pipelines that threaten precious water sources, communities can fight back.
SAVE Act would force every single American citizen to prove their citizenship status in person when registering to vote or updating their voter registration information. This would mean presenting a passport or birth certificate at their local election office.
146 million Americans do not have a passport, and 69 million women who have married do not have a birth certificate that matches their new legal name.
House Republicans narrowly passed their far-right funding bill – which would undermine Medicaid and Social Security and do NOTHING to stop Trump and Musk's illegal cuts to our public services.
Your senators – no matter their party – need to hear that you won't accept them giving Elon Musk a blank check to slash and burn our schools, our hospitals, and our Social Security.
Ask NOAA to support the widespread adoption of pop-up fishing gear, a tried-and-tested alternative to commercial fishing gear that will save the lives of countless marine animals.
446 large whales got tangled in commercial fishing gear between 2017 and 2022 — and that's likely just a fraction of the actual number of entanglements!
Clothing industry is responsible for about 10% of all global warming pollution and 20% of all wastewater and up to 30% of all clothes produced never get sold!
In 2019, reporters found that unsold H&M garments were being used as fuel for a power plant.
Tell H&M unsold clothing shouldn't end up polluting our environment!
Tell the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to finalize its proposed listing of monarchs as threatened! 🦋
Populations of both Eastern and Western monarch butterflies have been steadily decreasing over many years. Declining monarch populations are symptomatic of the ongoing insect apocalypse, which threatens worldwide ecology and agriculture—and exemplifies the failure of the EPA, especially the Office of Pesticide Programs, to protects biodiversity for toxic pesticides!
On August 27, 2024, President Joe Biden’s Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said U.S. farmers could grow a GMO wheat variety that’s genetically engineered to soak up glufosinate, a pesticide that is 5 times more toxic than glyphosate and has been banned in the European Union since 2013. Glufosinate exposure is associated with low-birth-weight babies.
The USDA didn’t conduct a scientific review or offer opportunity for public comments before announcing its decision!
Tell the US Fish and Wildlife Service you support their proposal to protect nearly 2 million acres of critical habitat for manatees under the Endangered Species Act. Manatees are dying at an alarming rate. Declining seagrass has led to almost 20% of the entire Florida population passing away in just two years. These gentle giants are starving to death!
Instead of using its innovative technologies to help slow down the climate crisis, Microsoft is instead choosing to help oil and gas producers boost their profits by providing them with personalized cloud computing resources and AI software tools.
Tell Microsoft to stop helping the fossil fuel industry!
Chemical food dyes are linked to behavioral issues and attention disorders are in public school lunches and snacks. California just passed a landmark bill that would ban six synthetic food dyes from foods served at public schools in that state – now it’s time all U.S. kids have the same health protections.
Please tell the three corporations that provide most of our nation’s school lunches – Aramark, Sodexo and Chartwells – to remove harmful chemical dyes in food provided to schools. Every kid deserves the same shot at a healthier future!
Consumer Reports’ latest test results for lead in 36 ground cinnamon products and spice blends are troubling: in a third of the products tested, just a quarter-teaspoon had more lead than you should consume in an entire day.
Despite the health risks of lead – which include damage to the brain, reproductive problems, and developmental issues – there still is no national limit for lead and other risky heavy metals in most foods, including spices.
Tell the FDA to immediately adopt a national standard and protect us from these health risks.
Alabama is home to an unmatched wealth of water resources with more than 132,000 miles of rivers and streams and the greatest amount of freshwater aquatic biodiversity in the country.
Ask Alabama Governor Ivey to join the America the Beautiful Freshwater Challenge, a voluntary partnership to conserve and protect America’s rivers, streams, lakes, and wetlands.
Click here to sign the petition
Please support Consumer Report's petition and tell EPA and Congress to ban all synthetic pesticides when the crop can be grown organically.
Click here to sign the petition
Ask the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service you support the jaguar!
Scientists have identified a large area of habitat in Arizona and New Mexico, 20 million acres (about 32,000 square miles) that could support more than 100 jaguars. We ask the USFW to reintroduce jaguars to the area and expand the cats' protected habitat.
Ask the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to stop the use of toxic pesticides in National Wildlife Refuges. Petition link.
Toxic agricultural pesticides are sprayed in these sensitive and protected areas.
In 2016, over 270,000 acres were sprayed with more than 490,000 pounds of deadly pesticides like neonicotinoids which harm threatened and endangered wildlife and plants while getting into surrounding groundwater and soil.
Ask National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to update their car seat fire safety regulation . Petition link.
Nearly all children’s car seats are treated with hazardous flame retardants because the NHTSA has not updated their fire standards since the 1970s.
Ask the EPA to set the strongest air pollution standards possible for trucks and buses. Petition link. Link for more info.
Trucks and buses are almost 25% of transportation-related emissions in the US, their toxic air pollution especially harmful to vulnerable communities
It has been over 10 years since the EPA updated these standards
Ask the UK government to stop burning trees for energy. Petition link. Link for more info.
In 2019, the UK imported over 8 million tons of wood pellets (more than any other country in the world) to burn for energy
Burning wood (biomass) to make electricity is dirty energy. Just like fossil fuels, burning biomass puts out huge amounts of carbon dioxide and air pollution while destroying wildlife and habitat.
UK taxpayers subsidize large biomass power plants almost £3 million a day
Ask the EPA to protect vulnerable communities from dangerous toxic chemicals. Petition link. Link for more info.
Many industrial manufacturing or disposal facilities are located dangerously close to neighborhoods.
Hazardous waste sites, polluting industrial facilities and other dangerous industries are disproportionately located in low-income communities and communities of color. Studies show this is intentional.
Residents are exposed to toxic chemicals in the air, water, and soils, increasing their rates of cancer, asthma, heart disease and other serious health problems.
Please ask your local represesntative to join the Electrification Caucus. Petition link. Link for more info.
Electrification for homes, commercial buildings, and vehicles is a solution that can be done now to address the climate crisis, lower costs for American families, create jobs, and improve indoor air quality.
Please ask REI to stop PFAS in their products. Petition link. Link for more info.
PFAS, called “forever chemicals” are a group of over 12,000 synthetic chemicals that are linked to liver damage, thyroid disease, decreased fertility, high cholesterol, obesity, hormone suppression and several types of cancer.
REI uses PFAS in their snow gear, raincoats and many other products…exposing us to toxic chemicals!
Patagonia, a major supplier to REI, is stopping PFAS in all of their clothing by 2024.