Team 2: Plants, Pollinators & Organic Gardens/Farms

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“climate change is playing a role in changing what grows where in the US: "Over the long run, we will expect to see a slow shifting northward of zones as climate change takes hold."“


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“Migratory monarchs were classified as endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in July. They’re now just two steps away from being labeled as extinct.”

Insects and other animals are absolutely vital in pollinating plants. Without pollinators, plants don’t reproduce which means the food crops (wheat, apples, etc.), edible oils, medicines, and other products are at risk.

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Real grass is for playing fields -not lawns. “Lawns are ecological deserts.”

Instead of lawns- Use native grasses, ground cover, native plants & trees #BeePesticideFree #WaterIsLife


Planting for Pollinators


Click here for articles on plant selection & the benefits of plants

California Funds Seed-Banking as Hedge Against Climate Change: seed banking is the long-term storage of seeds and plant cuttings to prevent permanent loss of species and genetic diversity

California Native Flowering Plants & Wildflowers

Commit to Keeping Your Garden Bee-Friendly

How We Can Save the Monarch Butterfly: One Office Campus at a Time

The Lifecycle of a Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly Guide

Moth Pollination

Nocturnal Pollinators: Scientists Reveal the Secret Life of Moths

Plants for Birds

Plants for Pollinators: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

Planting a Wildflower Garden

Save Bees

Top 30 Flowers For Bees

When You Plan Your Garden, Think of the Bees

Wildflowers of the United States

Plant Selection

Easy Indoor Plants for Classrooms and Beyond

50 Plants That Clean The Air

5 of the Best Plants For Your Classroom

10 Best Plants for the Classroom

10 Houseplants That Are Dangerous for Children and Pets

12 Reasons To Plant a Clover Lawn

Benefits of Plants

The Benefits of Plants in classrooms and Educational Facilities

Benefits of Urban Greening

Bringing the Outdoors In: Greenscaped Classrooms

Trees Improve Students’ Academic Performance

Cities Should Think About Trees as Public Health Infrastructure

Green Cities, Good Health

How Trees Calm Us Down

Planting Trees at Disadvantaged Schools Can Improve Performance

Schoolyard Tree Cover Predicts Math Performance in High-Poverty Urban Schools


Carlsbad Community Gardens

Monarch Joint Venture

A Plant In Every Classroom

Organic Gardens
