Team 4: Stop Fracking
Sherrie Vargson ignites the water coming out of her kitchen faucet in Bradford County. Methane in her well has caused her health problems. The well is just 100 feet from her house.
Fracking is a threat to our water! Did you know that fracking is NOT safe because fracked water does not have to go through the same assessment, monitoring or controls as other water? This is NOT safe! All drinking water and sources of drinking water should be monitored and tested.
The 2005 Energy Policy Act harms health because it lets Big Oil companies do what they want without rules for water safety.
Fracking does NOT have to follow these rules:
1. Safe Drinking Water Act
2. Clean Water Act
3. Clean Air Act
4. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
Fracking uses toxic chemicals. These toxic chemicals get into our water.
What is Fracking?
Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is a way to extract oil or natural gas by breaking up rock formations deep underground. Cracks are opened and widened by injecting water, chemicals and sand at high pressure.
Fracking uses a lot of water, 2-8 million gallons of water every time a well is fracked and a well can be fracked up to 20 times. Fracking also injects toxic chemicals (fracking fluids) along with the water. Drilling companies claim that these fracking fluids are harmless because they are “only” 2% of the liquid used. But 2% of the billions of gallons of fracking fluids every year equals hundreds of tons of toxic chemicals, many of which are kept secret.
Since 2005, more than 100,000 oil and gas wells have been drilled and fracked in the United States.
California Governor Halts Dangerous Fracking
CMU study Shows shale development Not worth the costs
Dangers of Fracking
feds open 1 million acres California public lands to fracking, drilling
Hundreds of Offshore Fracking Wells Dump Billions of Gallons of Oil Waste Into Gulf
Methane Leak, Seen From Space, Proves to Be Far Larger Than Thought
Pittsburgh State Rep. Drafts Bill to Stop Radioactive Fracking Waste From Entering Public Waters
Regulators Enable Firms to Duck Cleanup Costs as Fracking Companies Face Bankruptcy
*Click on Links Below:
*Protect Water
*Stop Offshore Drilling
*Pipeline Dangers
*Standing Rock -Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL)