Team 3: Transportation
Support Transportation Justice!
Click here for more information in Electric School Buses (ESB)
Zero tailpipe emissions
Reduced environmental impact
Quieter ride — no engine running!
Improved student, driver and public health
Cost savings on maintenance and fuel
Better academic outcomes
Community resilience with Vehicle-to-Grid-enabled buses
“More than 21 million children ride the bus to school in the U.S. and over 90% of these school buses run on diesel fuel, putting children’s health at risk every school day. Diesel exhaust is a known carcinogen, with proven links to serious physical health issues as well as cognitive development impacts. But with more electric school buses on the road, these risks can be reduced greatly.
Electric school buses have zero tailpipe emissions, preventing students’ exposure to harmful pollutants. Plus, electric school buses are cleaner for the environment, producing less than half the greenhouse gas emissions of diesel or propane-powered school buses, even after accounting for emissions for electricity generation from current sources.”
The Katy Freeway in Houston was expanded to 26 lanes from 2008-2011 for $2.8 billion to reduce traffic. It is the widest freeway in North America.
When completed, travel times went up 30% in the morning and 55% in the evening.
Public Transportation is the Solution to Traffic…NOT more highways!
Bike San Diego: Reimagining streets that are safe for bikes
San Diego County Bike Coalition
Safe Routes To School (SRTS)
The goal of Safe Routes to School is to get more children bicycling and walking to schools safely every day
California PTA Safe Routes to School
US Dept of Transportation Safe Routes to School
Transportation Articles
Brief Introduction to Climate Change and Transportation
Carbon Pollution from Transportation
Electrifying Trucks Would Save Lives and Grow the Economy
Planet Can't Survive Our Transportation Habits
The Science Is Clear: More Highways Equals More Traffic. Why Are DOTs Still Ignoring It?
*Click on Links Below:
*Air Pollution
*No Idling
*Stopping Smoking/Vaping