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Internships, Community & Service Learning and Volunteers


Let’s work for a better world!

🐠Select projects of interest in the time you have available.

🐠🐠🐠Work independently or with a team. We are a multigenerational org.

🌼We look forward to hearing from you.


CleanEarth4Kids.org’s mission is to protect children’s health & future, public health, worker health and safety, clean air and water, streams, rivers, oceans, public lands, forests, trees, wildlife, ecosystems, climate, healthy soils & food, nontoxic playgrounds, parks, schools, gardens, and products. Environmental, racial, social, climate, educational justice, and JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion) are at the heart of our organization.

All our teams are rooted in racial, social, climate and environmental justice.

To Apply:

Submit a signed and completed application and waiver.

Click Here for the volunteer application.

Click Here for the intern application.

Click Here for service learning application.

Click Here for the waiver/permission slip, under 18

Click Here for the waiver/permission slip, 18 or over

Click Here for internship areas of studies.

Academic internships may have specific requirements, please email us at Internships@CleanEarth4Kids.org
Internships available in many different areas.

  • A. Create an Infographic, Graphic, Chart, Essay, Art, Music, Video, Project… To Advance any of Our 6 Teams: Climate, Public Lands, Clean Air and Water, Stopping Toxic Pesticides and Chemicals, Reducing Plastic & Waste that promote Our Mission: Working for Children’s Health and Future, Public Health and Wellness, Education, Racial, Social, Climate & Environmental Justice
    You may create any of the following:
    Infographics, graphics, outlines, charts, bar graphs, diagrams with labels, essays, news articles, stories, poems, songs, games, learning tools, art, illustrations, comics, flyers, social media posts, captions, video clips, videos, short films, music, curriculum, materials (educational, informational, motivational or entertaining), calculations, statistics, project or  presentations that we may use to engage, inform, educate, motivate and inspire people to advocate, take action and work for change. Please contact us at 4Kids@CleanEarth4Kids.org to let us know if you are interested in Service Learning, Internships, Volunteering, Collaborating or if you have ideas, suggestions or questions. You may email your work to Service@CleanEarth4Kids.org.

  • Audience: Your work can be for any age group, levels or language. (You may also translate using our current graphics…)

  • Assistance: For examples, please see our CleanEarth4Kids.org Instagram, website and YouTube Channel.  All images must be copyright free.  Your images, Canva, and Creative Commons are fine.)  Music must be yours or copyright free, unless allowed use. Instagram allows use if clips are short and credit the artist.

  • B. Simplify, Clarify, Label, Define information 
    Create diagrams, graphics, illustrations, infographics, charts, a glossary, an ABC book, a slide show or presentation, an example, or comparison to cement, make clear, deepen or expand someone’s knowledge and understanding.
    Email us your work and a description.

  • Audience: All ages and levels and languages.

  • Examples and Assistance: Please see our website pages for ideas.  For assistance with the glossary. please email Service@CleanEarth4Kids.org and write Glossary in the Subject Line.) 

  • C. Share a Statistic  
    Share a statistic on a graphic or infographic. List your resources. Analyze, summarize or create calculations, statistics, equations, models for our 6 Teams and mission.

  • Audience: All ages and levels and languages.

  • Examples and Assistance: Please see our website pages for ideas.  (An example: 1 minute of car idling has more carbon monoxide than 3 packs of cigarettes. Find a fact/ statistic, about air or water pollution, pesticides... any of our 6 Teams, put it on a graphic or write about it. data.) 

  • D. Brainstorm a list of 15 ideas
    Brainstorm a list and examples to improve for our social media, YouTube, website, curriculum, etc. and email to us.

  • E. Motivate   

    Create motivational materials, blog posts, articles, “How To” … video clips, posts...  to benefit health lifestyle tips, healthy recipes, mental health and wellness, child development, education, safety, curriculum, environmental protection, racial, social, climate or environmental justice for any of our CleanEarth4Kids.org 6 Teams or mission-aligned projects and goals.

  • Audience: All ages and levels and languages.

  • F. Tell A Story
    Use information to tell a story through words, essays, graphics, video, film, social media posts, etc. so people can relate, understand, identify with, connect to, learn from, grow, feel empowered, supported or motivated, engage, take action or  work for change. (Your work can help someone else. We work with people of all ages, backgrounds, languages, learning styles and learning differences, so what you create may help someone else.) Submit your work.

  • G. Protect
    Prepare materials, comments, emails, letters, curriculum, social media posts, presentations, etc. to protect the safety and health of children, pregnant women, practices, regulation of toys or products for infant, child or public safety, programs for youth, teens, public, educational opportunities, funding for education, reading programs, tutoring, lunches, healthcare for low income and at-risk student, environmental justice, safety for farmworkers, labor, environmental protection for people, parks, public lands, forests, wildlife, streams, rivers, oceans, marine life, clean air, drinking water, healthy soil and food free of toxic pesticides and chemicals. Submit your work.

  • H. Advocate
    Create or use prepared materials, research, outlines, information to write an email, send a comment or speak at a meeting, city council meeting, Board of Supervisors meeting, state or federal level meeting, PTA, educational, environmental group meeting, event.  Submit a copy of your comment and a screenshot of your presenting information- that we can share.

  • I. Illustrate
    Illustrate or help write or submit ideas for our children’s books, materials, curriculum, games, etc.  (Contact us for details.)

  • J. Create a game, contest, challenge, activity, project, blog post, article, comic or infographic
    for children, teens, families, or seniors to engage with our mission and information on our website. Submit your work.

  • K. Create or edit videos
    Create (or edit) videos, movies and other media to educate and support our mission to protect clean air, clean drinking water, rivers, lakes, oceans, forests, public lands, wildlife, ecosystems, children’s health, public health, racial, social, climate, environmental justice, children’s health, wellness, fitness, mental health, public health, etc. Submit your work.

  • L. Collaborate to Protect
    List 3 events or meetings (online) where you could share our website, mission, goals, contests, etc.  (Please email us for assistance.) Follow up with a photo or screenshot of you sharing our contests or information to protect clean air, clean water, rivers, lakes, oceans, forests, public lands, parks, gardens, environmental justice, racial, social, climate justice, children’s health, wellness, mental health, public health, workers, justice, etc.

  • M. Help us connect and collaborate 
    with local or state groups to advance our mission.  Please check out our Organizations Page on CleanEarth4Kids.org.  List 15 ideas for people or groups that we are not currently connected with to contact and 1 reason beside each entry that this person or organization would be a good fit for collaboration. (Please refer to our Mission Statement and Website.) Submit your work.

  • N. Advertise
    Create a sample radio or print ad.  Review summarize radio, print data consumer choices and preferences and make suggestions to advance our mission. (You may include suggestions for radio stations, print ads…) Submit your work.

  • O. Shout out  
    Shout out 3 people who have advanced racial, social, climate and environmental justice, education, public health… Create info, posts, curriculum, videos, art, music, presentations, projects. Submit your work. 

  • P. Research and Write
    Research, brainstorm and write a typed page or create an infographic… about ways to help implement or improve natural solutions for pollution and climate change: wetland restoration and protection, planting trees, protecting and preserving open space, stopping sprawl development, protecting oceans, etc. Submit your work. 

  • Q. Attend a meeting, local, state, federal
    State of CA Examples: CARB (CA Air Resources Board) DPR (Department of Pesticide Regulation) OEHHA (Office of Environmental Health Hazardous Assessment),  DTSC (Department of Toxic Substances Control) or federal level and take notes. (You may also submit a public comment or a comment on an agenda item.) Please email Service@CleanEarth4Kids.org for details and more info.)

  • R. Review, analyze, support, advocate, (or propose) legislation
    at the local, state and federal level to advance our mission: health, education, clean air, clean water, parks, public lands, wildlife, ecosystems, healthy soil, food, rivers, oceans, environmental protection, regulations, etc. Please email Service@CleanEarth4Kids.org for details and more info.

  • S. Review research or medical and scientific studies, articles, data, staff reports
    To support our mission and help prepare public comments to support our mission and 6 Teams (and help us prepare for local, state, federal meetings and government hearings). Submit a research paper with links to resources (may include works cited or references).

  • T. Prepare a lesson plan
    Write the goals and objectives, materials and supplies needed, write an introduction and include links to content and a summary. (All grade levels)

  • U. Review and improve or critique an existing lesson plan  
    Please see our CleanEarth4Kids.org Curriculum Page. 
    Submit a 1 page explanation of ways the lesson can be improved and suggest additional resources, or create or modify  and submit something you have found that will help further our mission.
    The content can be based on our 6 teams: climate, public lands & wildlife, clean air, clean safe water & rivers… oceans, stopping pollution, plastics, toxic pesticides or chemicals or racial, social, climate and environmental justice.  You may use our CleanEarth4Kids.org mission statement, website, YouTube Channel.

  • V. Plan, Teach, Reflect With guidance, teach an appropriate, pre-approved lesson (or lessons) for children, teens or adults, online or for a video for CleanEarth4Kids.org. Please email Service@CleanEarth4Kids.org for details and more info.

  • W. Translate existing flyers, infographics, information, emails, outreach materials, lessons...
    Or, create information in different languages. videos, projects, lessons

  • X. Watch and write
    Watch a CleanEarth4Kids.org panel discussion or approved workshop on Zoom or our YouTube.  You may summarize information meaningful to you or your area of study and  You can clarify information in a chart, graph, infographic, Venn Diagram, outline, graphic organizer, summary paragraph, essay, blog post, project, presentation that we may share. (For additional hours, you may do additional research and add charts, graphs and resources.)

  • Y. Assist in creating marketing strategies, roadmaps.  Provide ideas for designing, refining, evaluating and creating materials for our website, social media, videoclips, flyers, posters, presentations…

  • Z. Tech projects.  Assist in maintaining and improving our website while creating new content, web and mobile applications and look for new technologies to achieve our mission. Contact us for more details.

  • AA. Make suggestions for 5 guests to feature or interview on our panel discussions, meetings or connect with.  List the contact information for the potential guest and 2 reasons why this person would be a good fit/how they support our mission.

  • BB. Create art, music, videos, graphics, flyers, social media posts, essays, calculations, statistics, projects, presentations to further our mission and #SolutionsForPollution and #SolutionsForClimateChange.

  • CC. Read the Resolution, https://global100restrategygroup.org/ and other resources and explain how 100% renewable energy is possible. Submit your work that we may share.

  • DD. Follow @mzjacobson, Mark Z. Jacobson, Stanford Professor and @MichaelEMann, Michael Mann, Penn Professor on Twitter. Review their tweets and explain in a 1 page paper or show in graphics why false solutions like carbon capture (that add pollution into the air) will not help the climate crisis. 

Team 1  Climate Action Plans for Cities, Universities, School Districts, Businesses
100% Renewable Energy Goals
#Divest from Fossil Fuels CalSTRS, CalPERS… 
#UnplugIt,  #Save Energy 
#Electrify Building Electrification (instead of toxic fossil fuels and methane “natural” gas)
Stop Nuclear Waste or Weapons

Team 2   Protect Public Lands, Ecosystems, Wildlife, Parks  
Protect ALL parks, people, pollinators, wildlife from toxic pesticides
Green spaces for all, outdoor recreation opportunities, mental and physical health for ALL neighborhoods. 
Plant and care for trees and organic gardens

Team 3  Clean Air   
#KidsBreatheHere #StopBurningStuff  #AirPollutionTakesOurBreathAway
Stop sources of air pollution.
Fossil Fuels end the lives prematurely of 1 in 10 in the US and 1 in 5 in the world.
Strengthen the Clean Air Act, Clean Power Plant Act, environmental protection, environmental justice and equity. 
#NoIdling #BeIdleFree
#Divest from Fossil Fuels #KeepItInTheGround  
#StopCoal  Stop Coal at UNC-Chapel Hill
#SmokingEndsLives  #CommitToQuit  #SmokingIsNotCoping 

Team 4  #WaterIsLife  Protect Water  
Protect clean drinking water, streams, wetlands, rivers, oceans.
Stop sources of water pollution. 
#GetTheLeadOut.  Replace lead pipes.
#StopLine3  #NoDAPL  Stand with Indigenous peoples.  Pipelines leak. Oil spills. Stop fracking. 
Clean Ups.

Team 5  Stop Toxic Pesticides, Chemicals, & Pollution 
Save lives, Stop Toxic Pesticides. Pesticides that harm brains, lungs, reproduction, endocrine systems are currently used
The US only bans 21 pesticides. China bans 54.  The EU bans 195.  Pass #PACTPA and #SAPA
The US only bans 11 chemicals in personal care products. The EU bans 2,495!
Stop Synthetic Turf, Tons of Plastic Carpet, Waste.  Lead, toxic chemicals have been found!
Regulate tires and 6PPD

Team 6  Reduce and Eliminate Plastics and Waste  
#BringYourOwn Reusable cup, silverware, dishes
#LeaveItBetterThanYouFoundIt  #Ocean #NotATrashCan  #NotAnAshtray #BanThe(Plastic Cigarette)Butt  #HOTYB (Cigarette Butts are Plastic Trash)

We look forward to working with you! 

Please email S@CleanEarth4Kids.org for questions or online or phone assistance
Please email Service@CleanEarth4Kids.org to submit Community Service Hours, Projects and Virtual Opportunities listed below.
Please email Contests@CleanEarth4Kids.org to enter contests.

Community Service

You may do the service learning opportunities above, a project you select, or take notes.


Attend a lecture, webinar, record a podcast or do your own research. Email S@CleanEarth4Kids.org for more information.
Write minimum of 2 pages of handwritten notes or art, infographic, etc. and send to notes@CleanEarth4Kids.org. Please include your name, school and grade.

Sample sentence starters:

  • I learned…

  • I am wondering…

  • My questions…

  • Actions people can take…